Saturday, August 24, 2013

Residual Income from Home

Working for yourself can be one of the hardest things, however it could also be one of the best decisions for yourself.  Lets look at Jerky Direct and I will show you how this company can change your life as it has mine.

Jerky Direct is set up as an autoship program.  What is an Autoship? This basically means that you are automatically sent the jerky flavor of your choice each month.  Did you know that all profitable network marketing companies use an autoship program?  Jerky Direct's autoship is only $14.27 for two bags of jerky, shipped to your front door.  Your free to change the flavor every month if you wish as well!  

What is all included in the autoship? For $14.27 a month you get 2 bags of jerky (any flavor), your website to drive customers to for sales and possible recruits to for team building. Included in the website is the processing fees for all credit cards. You get free training materials in 4 (four) categories.  The training is something NO other team has to offer and sets us aside from all other Distributors within the company.  You will have team support from the largest and fastest growing team within the whole company! Most say '2 bags of jerky wont last long in my house', thats OK!  As a distributor you get Wholesale pricing for anything additional you purchase.

How do I make money? There are three main ways to make money with Jerky Direct.  Remember that website you get free for joining?  All retail sales you drive thru the site you make 20% commission.  You can also buy jerky and resell it.  Wholesale cost runs about $3.42 per bag, you can easily resell that same bag for $6-8, leaving a great margin for profit.  The main way to make money is to build a team.  This option provides a residual income from their autoship however you also get commission on their orders.  

Want to know more?  Id love to hear from you, answer your questions and get you started!  Ill even send you a free bag of jerky when you join my team!


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